Delta4 | Navigating Financial Independence

The Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) defines financial planning as the “process of developing strategies to help people manage their financial affairs to meet personal goals.” [1]

At Delta4, we see ourselves as our clients’ financial navigators, steering their portfolios across a sea of change to help them reach their goals. Remember, there are very few things that are not linked to finances these days:

-Do you need a new car? You might need a savings plan or a loan.

-Are you planning to get married? You might need a payment plan for wedding expenses and the costs thereafter.

-Do you want to see the world? You will need a plan to pay for this too!

Unfortunately, two common misconceptions end up costing clients dearly when they are older:

  1. Believing that only those who are super wealthy need to work with financial advisors: This leads to clients underestimating their power and influence over their lives, and thus not saving optimally (or in the worst cases, not managing their finances at all) – which could lead to financial difficulty upon retirement.
  1. Believing that only older people should work with financial planners, while younger people can enjoy their salaries: In many cases, people only visit financial advisors for the first time when something bad has occurred. Like when a family member has passed away – and the others need help with the settlement of the estate, or when a loved one gets a terminal illness (where questions regarding life cover pop up).

In both of these cases, the reality is that the sooner you start to build a portfolio, the greater your chances of reaching your financial goals.

After all, the financial services industry has such a wide variety of products and offerings – it is our job as financial advisors to present our clients with solutions tailored to their individual needs!

Start your financial planning journey today and we’ll help you navigate your way to financial independence:


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